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Development Advisory Board
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Board Type
This Board will provide the City Council a venue by which one board is responsible for overseeing the development process in a comprehensive manner, as well as providing the means for participation and input from a large and diverse Council appointed body. The duties and powers of this board, except as to appeals, shall be in an advisory capacity only. The Board shall: 1) Provide the Planning and Development Director and City Council with general advisory oversight of the development process. 2) Make recommendations to the City Council for periodic updating of the Phoenix Construction Code and Technical Development Standards contained in Chapters 28, 31, 32, 32A, 32B and 37 of the City Code. 3) Make recommendations to other City Boards and Commissions for revisions to development-related codes and processes not under the jurisdiction of this Board, when such revisions should be considered to streamline or simplify the development approval process. 4) Hear appeals from the decision of the Building Official or Planning and Development Director and render decisions thereon.
Contact Name
Krista Cambern Rippee
Contact Number
Meeting Frequency
Bi-monthly in January, March, May, July, September and November, on the third Thursday from 3-5pm. Special Board meetings may be called by the Planning and Development Director, the chair, or any three members of the Board.
Board Composition
This Board shall consist of a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 26 members, of which 5 are Ex-Officio members. At least three-quarters of the appointed members shall be residents of the City of Phoenix. Three may be non-Phoenix residents of Maricopa County, so long as they own or are employed by a business located in the City of Phoenix. All members shall be residents of the United States. The design professional and contractor representatives shall be selected to represent the greatest diversity practicable among the various architectural, engineering and contracting trades, disciplines and areas of practical expertise. The membership shall be composed of a maximum of the following numbers of each type of member: 5 members shall represent design professionals; 5 members shall represent contractors; 4 members shall represent Phoenix residents who represent residential neighborhood interests; 1 member shall be a city resident representing disability issues; 1 member shall be a developer/owner of residential projects; 1 member shall be a developer/owner of commercial/industrial projects; 1 member shall be a representative of a citywide organization of business interests; 1 representative of the City of Phoenix Fire Department; 1 representative of organized labor; 1 representative of the City of Phoenix Planning Commission. There are also 5 Ex-Officio members that represent the following departments: Planning and Development, Police, Neighborhood Services, Street Transportation, Water Services. The members of the Board shall be appointed by the City Council for three-year terms.
Maximum Members:
Minimum Members:
Current Members:
Active Member List
Member Name
Morgan Betancourt
Harry Curtin
Peter Fischer
Aaron Hillman
Karen Hudson
Timothy Keil
Christopher Kowalsky
Nguyen Lam
Caroline Lobo
Christoph Lohr
John Mertens
Aparna Mohla
James Murphy
Glenn Muzyka
JJ Proczka
Joy Seitz
Monique Sermeno
Nathan Sonoskey
Brian Stark
Jenifer Weskalnies
Can Xiao
ARTICLE IX. Development Advisory Board.pdf
DAB Ordinance G-5570 Purpose and Formation Membership etc..pdf
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