Vision Zero Community Advisory Committee

On Sept. 7, 2022, City Council approved the Road Safety Action Plan - Moving to Vision Zero (RSAP) and the formation of the Vision Zero Community Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide feedback and recommendations regarding implementation of the RSAP. The duties and powers of the Committee shall be in an advisory capacity only. The Committee's responsibilities will include reviewing quarterly updates and providing feedback and recommendations regarding the RSAP; requesting future agenda items; and coordinating with related City Council offices. More Information:
Laura Farrell
Every other month 2024 Dates: October 23, and December 11 2025 Dates: February 19, April 16, June 18, August 20, October 15, December 17
The Committee consists of 11 members of the public who are residents of the city of Phoenix. One representative will be appointed by each of the eight Council Districts, and three members will be appointed by the Mayor's Office. A Committee Chair is appointed by the Mayor’s Office. The Committee will also include non-voting members who are City of Phoenix employees from the City Manager's Office, Phoenix Police, and Street Transportation departments, and non-City employees who are students from either local high schools or local colleges/universities.


Member Name
Steve Burns
Thomas Callow
Joseph F.Yuhas
Ed Hermes
Amanda McGowan
Catherine Mulkerin
Dan Penton
Sandra Serrano
Jamie Trufin
Pablo Julian Zepeda