Phoenix Sonoran Preserve and Mountain Parks/ Preserve Committee

The Phoenix Sonoran Preserve and Mountain Parks/Preserve Committee is responsible for developing or recommending ordinances to the Parks and Recreation Board impacting mountain and desert preserves and the urban development surrounding them. Phoenix Sonoran Preserve and Mountain Parks/Preserve Committee is, by City Charter, dedicated to the conservation of large tracts of natural Sonoran Desert open space within the City of Phoenix. Its mission is to provide a public forum for the development of policies to conserve, manage, protect and enhance the Phoenix Mountain Preserves system resources for the aesthetic and scenic value, recreational use, cultural interpretation, and environmental education of the public. Objectives of the committee: 1. To provide safe, enjoyable, accessible, recreational, cultural, and educational experiences while conserving the desert environment of the Phoenix Mountains Preserves. 2. To provide a process of administration, planning, and management which addresses requirements and needs of both the preserves and the public. 3. To provide a master plan for each management unit of the Preserves that protects the environmental integrity of the resources while providing necessary development for recreational end educational needs of the public. 4. To develop environmental education programs that provide the public with a vital, active learning laboratory to promote an understanding of and an appreciation and respect for this unique desert ecosystem. 5. To establish an aggressive acquisition program to expand the Preserves.
Sallie Seibert
This Board meets quarterly on the third Monday at 6:00 pm at the S’edav Va’aki Museum, 4619 E. Washington St. Phoenix, Arizona 85034, unless public notice is given of another location. Special meetings for good cause may be held by the Committee; these meetings and any change in location or time shall be posted according to statute. The regular meeting schedule can be adjusted to suit the amount of issues and discussion required to make recommendations.
The Committee is made up of seven (7) citizens from across the City of Phoenix; from a variety of backgrounds and interests. Three (3) members shall be appointed to serve for the term of three (3) years; Two (2) members shall be appointed to serve for the term of two (2) years; and Two (2) members shall be appointed to serve for the term of one (1) year and be eligible for appointment to an extended term of up to three (3) years. All subsequent terms shall be for a full three- (3-) year term and shall begin on the same day and month. The members of the Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Parks and Recreation Board.


Member Name
Scott Covey
William Fallon
John Furniss
Trevor Harwood
Vashti "Tice" Supplee
Tamera Zivic