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Phoenix Women's Commission
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Board Type
The purpose of the Phoenix Women's Commission is to provide a formal forum for citizen review of the City's diversity efforts, salary equity, and to serve as an advisory board to the Council. The Commission shall not become involved in political issues nor in matters which are outside of the City's jurisdiction. The Commission shall recommend improvements on matters related to the status of women and implement specific projects and programs as approved by the Mayor and City Council with the following areas of responsibility: 1) Review the City of Phoenix diversity efforts regarding recruitment, hiring, placement, and promotional programs, and salary equity to identify strengths and weaknesses; and to make recommendations of changes needed. 2) Define, review, and prioritize the problems of women as those problems relate to the City. 3) Recommend possible solutions to those problems. 4) Develop short range and long range goals and objectives for improving the status of women. 5) Evaluate projects as requested by the Mayor and Council. 6) Recommend persons to serve on City standing committees, advisory boards and ad hoc committees. 7) Assist in efforts to provide information and educational programs to improve the status of women. 8) Provide written reports to the Council regarding recommendations, submit special reports at the request of the Council, and submit an annual report of its activities to the Council in December of each year.
Contact Name
Shanna Archie
Contact Number
Meeting Frequency
The Commission meets on the second Monday of every month at 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm in the Administrative Conference Room, Fire Administration Building, 150 S. 12th Street
Board Composition
The Commission shall be composed of volunteer citizens who shall be residents or employees of the City of Phoenix. The Commission shall consist of seventeen members, serving for a period of three years. Members and the chairperson shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to approval of the City Council. The chairperson shall serve for one year. The Commission shall elect a vice-chair person.
Maximum Members:
Minimum Members:
Current Members:
Active Member List
Member Name
Anjali Abraham
Maria Fernanda Arreguin Gamez
Maria Bailey Benson
Lalitha Byra
Lisa Doromal
Sharise Erby
Jessica Fotinos
Theressa (Terri) Jackson
Heather Ross
Megan Schmitz
Carrie Simmons
Christina Spicer
Miriam Weisman
PWC Bylaws ratified 07-10-07.pdf
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