Phoenix Business and Workforce Development Board

The Phoenix Business and Workforce Development Board, in accordance with the requirements of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 and in partnership with the Mayor and City Council, shall perform the following functions: 1) Develop a local plan for submission to the Governor. 2) Conduct workforce research and regional labor market analyses of the economic conditions in the region including the collection of research and data. 3) Convene, broker, and leverage workforce system stakeholders to assist in the development of the local plan. 4) Lead efforts to engage with a diverse range of employers and with entities in the region involved. 5) Lead efforts in the local area to develop and implement career pathways. 6) Identify and promote proven and promising strategies and initiatives for meeting the needs of employers, workers and jobseekers. 7) Develop strategies for using technology to maximize the workforce system. 8) Conduct oversight for the local workforce system and ensure appropriate use and management of funds for workforce activities. 9) Negotiate and reach agreement on local performance accountability measures. 10) Designate or certify one-stop operators and youth providers, and terminate for cause the eligibility of such operators. 11) Enhance coordination of education and training providers in the local area. 12) Develop a budget for the activities of the local area consistent with the local plan, subject to the approval of the chief elected official. 13) Annually assess the physical and programmatic accessibility of one-stop centers in a accordance with applicable laws.
Hayden Maynard
The full board meets the 2nd Thursday of every other month at 8:30 a.m.
The City of Phoenix Mayor identifies and appoints members to the Board with City Council approval. The board shall consist of no more than 25 unpaid members, with a majority of those members being from the business community. Other members, as defined by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 shall represent small business, a local education entity, labor organizations, community-based organizations, economic and community development entities, one member must represent adult education and literacy volunteers, one member must represent the State Employment Service Office under the Wagner-Peyser Act, and one member must represent programs under Title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Other appropriate entities in the local area may be appointed to the Board by the City of Phoenix Mayor and City Council.


Member Name
Suzanna Armijo
Daniel Barajas
Christian Bearden
Neda Boyce
Karen Carter
Pearl Esau
Patrick Fitzhugh
Kaaren-Lyn Graves
Scott Holman
Mavrick Knoles
Genevieve Ginger Lane
Juvenal Lopez
Jesus Love
Kevin Parker
Emily Paulson
Brandon Ramsey
Alison Rapping
Claudia Reilly
Stephanie Rimmer
Raghu Santanam
Dean Scheinert
John Soto
Samuel Wolo