Parks and Recreation Board

The Parks and Recreation Board shall have the following powers and duties: 1. To receive, accept or acquire by grant, gift, bequest or devise, property of every kind, real, personal or mixed, wheresoever situated, in fee, trust or otherwise, subject to any provisions made by the donor. 2. Establish operating policies for recreational facilities and services within and without the city as the developing public recreation needs may require. 3. Enter into contracts to grant concessions, licenses and permits for the use of the recreational facilities of the city and to contract with others for the use of recreational facilities needed by the city. 4. Establish schedules of charges for miscellaneous recreational facilities and to advise the City Council on fees to be set by Council on golf courses, tennis centers and swimming pools. 5. Advise the Council concerning recreational needs and recommend acquisition, location, and nature of facilities to meet said needs. 6. Receive and consider the proposed annual budget for parks and recreation purposes during the process of its preparation and make recommendations with respect thereto. 7. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by ordinance not inconsistent with the provisions of this charter.
Robin Kelley
This Board meets once per month on the fourth Thursday at 5:00 p.m. in various locations citywide. Meetings for November and December are changed to the third Thursday because of holidays.
This Board consists of eight members, including the Parks and Recreation Director who shall serve as a non-voting ex-officio member. The remaining seven members shall be appointed by the City Council for five-year terms.


Member Name
Cynthia Aguilar
Aubrey Barnwell
Dorina Bustamante
Kelly Dalton
Antonio Moya
Sarah Porter
Emma Viera
Ed Zuercher