Ahwatukee Foothills Village Planning Committee

The Village Planning Committees shall assist the Planning Commission in the performance of its duties. Village Planning Committee activities should include: 1) Identifying areas or provisions of the General Plan text which need refinement and updating. 2) Identifying problems and needs related to implementation of the General Plan. 3) Defining in greater detail the intended future function, density and character of sub-areas of the village. 4) Commenting on proposals for the new zoning districts or land use districts.
Anthony M Grande
Once per month on the fourth Monday at 6:00 p.m. at Pecos Park Community Center, located at 17010 S. 48th Street.
Twenty-one members representing Districts 6, and the Mayor's office. Composition is as follows: District 6 - 19 members, and Mayor - 2 members. Committee residency requirements state at least 75% of the members shall reside at least eleven months of the year at a property of record or location within the village. Up to 25% of the members may be individuals who work at a business in the village on a full-time basis, but live outside the village or outside of the City of Phoenix. For this body, quorum (the number of members required to discuss and act on agenda items) is based on a majority of the current membership.


Member Name
Kimberly Barua
Carol Blackman
Toni Broberg
Scott Crouch
Darin Fisher
Andrew Gasparro
Prakshal Jain
Sean Lieb
Clifford Mager
Mike Maloney
Max Masel
Jill Ostendorp
Mike Schiller
Suzanne Sharer
Alyson Slobodzian
John Strem
Brian Symes