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Human Relations Commission
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Board Type
The Human Relations Commission shall: 1) Make periodic surveys of the existence and effect of discrimination in the City of Phoenix because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, and sexual orientation in public accommodations. 2) Foster positive intergroup relations and the elimination of discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, and sexual orientation. 3) Publish the results of such studies, investigations, and research as, in its judgment, will tend to promote good will and the elimination of discrimination. 4) Counsel and provide such information to persons subject to the provisions of this chapter as may be reasonably necessary to further compliance with provisions of this chapter. 5) Plan, coordinate, and conduct information, education and awareness programs. 6) Plan, coordinate, and conduct programs to eliminate discrimination and racism. 7) Establish committees appointed by the chairman of the Commission from its membership and the community at large to assist the Commission in the execution of its duties. 8) At least once a year, report on its activities to the City Council.
Contact Name
Shanna Archie
Contact Number
Meeting Frequency
This Commission meets on the third Monday at 6:00 p.m. in the Fire Administration Building, Great Room, 150 S. 12th ST, Phoenix, Arizona, 85003.
Board Composition
This Commission shall consist of seventeen (17) members appointed by the Mayor and City Council. Each member shall serve a term of three years with one-third of the terms expiring on June 30 of each year. The Mayor and City Council shall appoint a chairperson for the Commission. The chairperson shall appoint a vice-chairperson.
Maximum Members:
Minimum Members:
Current Members:
Active Member List
Member Name
Sariah Flores
Andrew Gordon
Rene Herrera
Theressa (Terri) Jackson
Henry Lam
Michael Mazzocco
Nate Rhoton
Janice M Varnado
Miriam Weisman
HRC Final Bylaws Copy - 4-20-07.pdf
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