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Environmental Quality and Sustainability Commission
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Board Type
The purpose of the Commission is to identify environmental issues and problems affecting the City of Phoenix and recommend to the City Council appropriate roles for the City in addressing those issues or problems in a manner which protects, restores, or enhances the natural and urban environments. To this end, the Commission may, at the City Council's request, recommend the following: 1) An Environmental Resource Policy to guide City actions in the protection, restoration, and enhancement of the natural and urban environments. 2) City positions on proposed State and Federal legislation, regulations, and programs affecting the City. 3) New City ordinances, regulations, or policies and changes in City procedures, programs or activities to protect, restore or enhance the natural and urban environments. 4) Foster citizen involvement in City and other activities which affect the quality of the environment. 5) Assist the City Council and City departments in developing systematic methods to identify the effect of proposed programs, actions, ordinances, or resolutions on the environment and to mitigate adverse effects. 6) Make available information and hold hearings. 7) Consult with City departments and outside experts from within the State or from other states.
Contact Name
Katrina A Gerster
Contact Number
Meeting Frequency
Once per month on the second Thursday at 3:00p.m. in the Phoenix City Hall, Conference Room 12 Central. (Currently meeting virtually.)
Board Composition
This Commission shall consist of fifteen (15) citizens appointed by the City Council. Appointments shall be for a term of three (3) years. Any vacancy occurring shall be filled by appointment by the City Council will be for the balance of the unexpired term. The City Council shall also appoint the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Commission, which appointments shall be for a term of one year.
Maximum Members:
Minimum Members:
Current Members:
Active Member List
Member Name
Penny Allee Taylor
Kelly Barr
Orlando Cazarez
Darren Chapman
Timothy Franquist
Eric Gorsegner
Kevin Groman
Kathy Knoop
Caroline Lobo
Andrea Odegard-Begay
Sarah Porter
Bill Sandweg
Amy Scoville-Weaver
Colin Tetreault
Ginger Torres
EQSC Bylaws Final_03-13-18.pdf
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